Former Arusha Mayor leaves ruling party for Chadema

The former mayor for Arusha Municipality, Mr Paul Lotta Laizer, has joined the Chama Cha Demokrasia na Maendeleo (Chadema), after defecting from the CCM ruling party.

Mr Laizer, who used to represent Baraa Ward as Councillor, left his former CCM party, and has enlisted with Chadema just as Arusha and other parts of the country are preparing for the forthcoming October 2015 elections.

“I have decided to embrace the winds of change by moving on to another political vessel,” said Laizer upon receiving a membership card from the opposition camp on Friday.

The aspirant was recently relieved of his duties by the Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM) after being accused of selling off a piece of land under dubious circumstances.

Paul Lotta Laizer once served as Mayor for Arusha Municipality from 2000 to 2007. Mayor Laizer was relieved off his duties alongside the former Sombetini Ward Councillor, Mr Mussa Mkanga.

Since then Mr Laizer has been trying to make political comeback without much success until now that he decided to leave his former party joining the opposition.

After the deal went sour, the Ms Ermoil Marketing Co. Ltd filed a suit and demanded 245 million shillings in damages through the local commercial court.

Development of the plot number 68, of Block ‘W’ in area ‘F,’ which stands across the Dodoma road from Summit Business Centre and opposite the Kilombero market in Levolosi area, remains at a standstill, eight years later.

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