Msekwa new MoCU Chancellor

Former Speaker of the National Assembly has been appointed Chancellor of Moshi Co-operative University (MoCU).

At a ceremony held here on Friday, Mr Pius Msekwa was handed over the mantle by the interim Chancellor, Mr Al Noor Kassum. Mr Msekwa was appointed by President Jakaya Kikwete in May this year for a period of five years.

The Chancellor, who served as chairman of the governing council of the then Moshi Co-operative College since 1984 to 2004 said he is impressed by the progress MoCU has made.

“Personally I am delighted of the huge success the institution has achieved. I served as chairman of the governing council for almost 20 years … today I am amazed by the progress it has made ; you have done a great job,” said Mr Msekwa.

He noted that MoCU is a centre of excellence in co-operative and business Studies in the East African Community. Mr Msekwa said the varsity should put more effort in co-operative training, research and consultancy in the country and in East Africa in general.

He hailed Mr Kassum for his dedicated service and was happy that he was taking over from a person who steered the institution to success.

“We will have to coin new strategies so as to take the university to next level so as to ensure it meets current and future demands of specialists in the labour market,” said Mr Msekwa.

In his address before handing over the position, Mr Kassum told Mr Msekwa that some of the achievements were an increase in the number of graduates from 205 in 2006 to 2,193 in the 2014 graduation.

“I conferred 205 graduands in various disciplines in 2006. By 2014 the number shot to 2,193. This is indeed a remarkable achievement,” said the interim chancellor.

He said, the new chancellor assumes office at a time when the university is not totally matured. He noted that there are many challenges that require both immediate and long-term solutions.
He pointed out the immediate challenge was to understand the working of the university and its relationship with stakeholders and development partners.

For the long-term Mr Kassum said the university needs to realise a sustainable stream of cash flow to address its recurrent and development budget.

He said that would be met by collaboration between the Chancellor and the university management.
MoCU attained its current status of a fully fledged university in September last year, when government upgraded the former Moshi University College of Co-operative and Business Studies (MUCCoBS) to fully fledged university.

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